Begin your day with quiet prayer in community. Morning Prayer is offered each week, Tuesday-Friday at 8:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary. Join us as we reflect on the appointed scriptures of the day.
All are welcome.
Mindfulness Meditation with Mark Forbes
at 5:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary
Mindfulness Meditation centers the human spirit, calms the mind, reduces stress, improves cognitive function and provides a myriad of other well documented health benefits. More significantly, however, it is a transformative spiritual practice with the capacity to expand our awareness, enliven our hearts, and deepen our sense of compassion. Having taught Eastern and Western forms of meditation for almost three decades, Mark Forbes, our facilitator, will offer a weekly, sixty-minute program designed to gently introduce the practice into the lives of beginners, while simultaneously offering the seasoned meditator a fertile space to grow their practice. All are welcome to attend.
No registration necessary.
St. Patrick's hosts Room in the Inn
at Dale House at DUMC
We are once again working in partnership with Davidson United Methodist Church and "A Roof Above Ministry" to provide housing for our unhoused neighbors during the coldest months of the year. One Thursday per month, December through March, volunteers are needed to set up, provide & host dinner, host guests overnight, and clean up the next morning. Please consider joining us as we demonstrate our Christian values, broaden our minds, and open our hearts to those in our community who need it most.
Click here to access our volunteer sign up.
We are a welcoming, inclusive, and vibrant congregation of all ages,
joyfully giving and receiving God's love and grace.

Through an exploration of our website, we hope you sense the spiritual vibrancy which fills our common life. Together, as a church family, we share a passion for wholeness of spirit and fullness of life. Dedicated to inclusivity, hospitality, care, worship and spiritual exploration we are a faith community seeking to center ourselves in the universal love of Christ and neighbor. Upon viewing our website, we hope you feel called to visit. As clergy dedicated to walking the journey with all whom God draws to our church, we look forward to meeting you.
In Christ,
The Rev. Gregory McIntyre, Rector
St. Patrick's Preschool
It is our mission to support our children, ages two through five, to grow and develop academically, emotionally, socially, physically, and spiritually, according to their individual capabilities. We believe that developmentally appropriate play provides a strong foundation for future success.